Arizona State Senate 2022 Election Hearing

Day Two of the 2022 Election Legislative Hearing

Day 3 of Arizona Senate Election Hearing

Speckin's Report | The Report The Public Never Saw for the 2020 Audit in Maricopa

Seth Keshel | Numbers Don't Lie | Arizona Legislative Hearing

Ivan Raiklin | How Foreign Interference is Effecting America's Elections

Mohave County Supervisor| SHOCKING !| What You Need to Know About Election Certifications


Pima County Legislative Hearing

AG Brnovich Letter to Senate President Karen Fann RE: 2020 election

Massive Election Fraud Case Found in Michigan

Today Mark Zuckerberg admitted in writing that the Biden Admin pressured Facebook to censor Covid-19 content. Here is Mayorkas lying about it under oath in 2022. 100% absolutely committing perjury. When is Mayorkas going to prison?

Man in Arizona without US citizenship was unknowingly registered to vote, he says. The slightly mysterious story of Luc Leeman's voter registration.

Tim Walz Verified Link Between Him and The CCP

Governor Gavin Newsom Signed A Bill Into Law Banning I.D. to Vote

Elections Systems Can Be Remotely Hacked

AZGOP Chair Gina Swoboda Responds to Secretary of State Fontes’ Repeated Voter Roll Failures

HUGE: Leaked Conversation Between Arizona’s Democrat Gov, Attorney General, and Secretary of State Reveals Attempt to Cover Up 98,000 Voter Registration Glitch – Officials Worried About Calls for New 2020 and 2022 Elections

SHOCK REPORT: Non-citizens being instructed how to vote in Phoenix, Arizona..

Advancing transparent, secure and fair elections

+ 10,000 illegal aliens, using the same exact social security number voted in the Nov 3, 2020 election, and this is just in the border state of Arizona,

According to the Arizona self installed Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, Election officials "accidentally" marked almost 100,000 voters who did NOT provide proof of CITIZENSHIP as having done so

the greatest election theft in United States history,

Probe into whether Democrats use ActBlue platform to cheat at fundraising expands to 19 states

Oregon removes 300+ additional ineligible voters, governor calls for third-party audit

Gold Star Mom Tina Peters sacrificed her freedom to expose election fraud in Colorado Now that she’s been sentences to 9 years in prison, she’s released her election fraud findings

Dominion Machines Connected To The Internet

81 Million Votes’? Nearly Half Say ‘No Way

CONSPIRACY DAY NOVEMBER 3, 2020, Detroit, Michigan, TCF Center, “it was about 4 AM that 3 vehicles arrived, a van Jocelyn Benson driving, a Chrysler 300 Dana Nessel driving, and a Ferrari Gov. Gretchen Whitbag driving.

40,000 citizen affidavits of election fraud in Georgia. Governor Kemp ignored the fraud evidence. REPOST please and keep this in everyone’s memory. He can’t get away with this again.

RREFUTABLE EVIDENCE, CONFIRMS BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT, “They put the ballots on the wrong truck. And they picked the wrong man.”

Royal Flush: a brisk walk-through of USPS corruption of election 2020, our FOIA case regarding it, and our emergency injunction against USPS this week.

Italian and US intelligence testimony that the 2020 U.S. Election was stolen from President Donald Trump.

You don’t think voter fraud is real?

We need to get rid of the machines. Paper ballot only

#4 - META insider reveals how Zuckerberg’s company is quietly rigging the election.

The Big Con

I personally observed USB cards uploaded to machines 24 times

ELECTION CRIME RESEARCHER: Steve Baldwin, How the NGOs registered illegal aliens, even before they crossed the border, and how they ended up on voter rolls across the country—all funded by the Democrats.

Leftists Were Planning To Completely Destroy America, Western Civilization, and By Extension The World If They Would Have Been Able To Stop Trump From Winning Reelection

Continuation of Leftists planning to allow illegals to vote in an attempt to turn our country permanently blue